Sunday, December 27, 2009

First Post!

Hey kids! The Forbidden Douchebag here!

Guess what you're looking at! I gots me a blog!

So what does this blog mean? It means that I can substitute any Blogs o' Fun and Death I planned on doing, but didn't since I pretty much have a silent opinion oral.

It's easier for me to get it out in text than it is with my geeky voice, which usually goes through a formulaic tone when ether I do a rant video. With text and some imagery, it's much more affective.

So what about my video projects? Well I've just done about 20 minutes (!) of "Aladdin and the Cave of Cheesburgers 2.0" and the next YTP will be out soon, I'm in a mixture of pooper block, lack of inspiration, and the Christmas holidays. The next one I will point out will be based on the 1990 Jetsons movie, making it the last sequel to the Google Video Poops.

Expect this blog to be updated on a monthly basis, also if I get any ideas to blog on.

Until next time, this is F.D. singing out!

P.S. I guess I might as well give you guys something to pass the time, here's a quick preview of what I have in store for you guys with "Cave of Cheeseburgers 2.0".